📄️ acceptAccountInvite
Accept an account invite.
📄️ addCompanyEmail
Add an email address to the company. This will just add the current address to the existing ones.
📄️ addCompanyPhone
Add a phone number to the company. This will just add the current number to the existing ones.
📄️ addCompanyRelatedPerson
Add a related person to the company.
📄️ addCompanyWebsite
Add a website to the company. This will just add the current website to the existing ones.
📄️ addContactEmail
Add an email address to the contact. This will just add the current address to the existing ones.
📄️ addContactPhone
Add a phone number to the contact. This will just add the current number to the existing ones.
📄️ addContactWebsite
Add a website to the contact. This will just add the current website to the existing ones.
📄️ addFollower
Add a follower for a given instance.
📄️ addPersonEmail
Add an email address to the person. This will just add the current address to the existing ones.
📄️ addPersonPhone
Add a phone number to the person. This will just add the current number to the existing ones.
📄️ addPersonRelatedCompany
Add a related company to the person.
📄️ addPersonWebsite
Add a website to the person. This will just add the current number to the existing ones.
📄️ addUserPhone
Add a phone number to the user. This will just add the current number to the existing ones.
📄️ approveExpense
Approve the submitted expense.
📄️ assignRole
Assign a role for the user.
📄️ bulkMutation
Run a bulk mutation.
📄️ createAccessToken
Create an access token.
📄️ createComment
Create a new comment.
📄️ createCompany
Create a new company.
📄️ createContact
Create a new contact.
📄️ createContractType
Create a new contract type.
📄️ createContract
Create a new contract.
📄️ createCoordinationGroup
Create a new coordination group.
📄️ createCoordinationStage
Create a new coordination stage.
📄️ createCoordinationType
Create a new coordination type.
📄️ createCoordination
Create a new coordination.
📄️ createDashboard
Create a new dashboard.
📄️ createDashlet
Create a new dashlet.
📄️ createDownloadLink
Create a file's download link.
📄️ createEasementType
Create a new easement type.
📄️ createEasement
Create a new easement.
📄️ createExpense
Create a new expense.
📄️ createInvoiceFromQuote
Create an invoice from a quote.
📄️ createInvoice
Create a new invoice.
📄️ createLetterSource
Create a new letter source.
📄️ createLetterType
Create a new letter type.
📄️ createLetter
Create a new letter.
📄️ createMeterManufacturer
Create a new meter manufacturer.
📄️ createMeterModel
Create a new meter model.
📄️ createMeterNominalValue
Create a new meter nominal value.
📄️ createMeter
Create a new meter.
📄️ createNumberingFunction
Create a new numbering function.
📄️ createNumberingSeries
Create a new numbering series.
📄️ createOrdinanceType
Create a new ordinance type.
📄️ createOrdinance
Create a new ordinance.
📄️ createPerson
Create a new person.
📄️ createPriceList
Create a new price list.
📄️ createProductGroup
Create a new product group.
📄️ createProduct
Create a new product.
📄️ createProject
Create a new project.
📄️ createProperty
Create a new property.
📄️ createQuote
Create a new quote.
📄️ createReading
Create a new reading.
📄️ createRole
Create a new role.
📄️ createSpecificationType
Create a new specification type.
📄️ createSpecification
Create a new specification.
📄️ createStatus
Create a new status.
📄️ createSubmissionType
Create a new submission type.
📄️ createSubmission
Create a new submission.
📄️ createTag
Create a new tag.
📄️ createTaskType
Create a new task type.
📄️ createTask
Create a new task.
📄️ createTaxRate
Create a new tax rate.
📄️ createTemplate
Create a new template.
📄️ createUser
Create a new user.
📄️ createView
Create a new view.
📄️ createWebhook
Create a new webhook.
📄️ deleteAccountLogo
Delete the account's logo.
📄️ deleteComment
Delete a comment.
📄️ deleteCompanyAddress
Delete the company's address details.
📄️ deleteCompany
Delete a company.
📄️ deleteContactAddress
Delete the contact's address details.
📄️ deleteContactMeansOfContact
Delete a contact's means of contact.
📄️ deleteContact
Delete a contact.
📄️ deleteContractType
Delete an contract type.
📄️ deleteContract
Delete a contract.
📄️ deleteCoordinationGroup
Delete a coordination group.
📄️ deleteCoordinationStage
Delete a coordination stage.
📄️ deleteCoordinationType
Delete a coordination type.
📄️ deleteCoordination
Delete a coordination.
📄️ deleteDashboard
Delete a dashboard.
📄️ deleteDashlet
Delete a dashlet.
📄️ deleteEasementType
Delete a easement type.
📄️ deleteEasement
Delete an easement.
📄️ deleteExpense
Delete an expense.
📄️ deleteFile
Delete a file.
📄️ deleteInvoice
Delete an invoice.
📄️ deleteLetterSource
Delete a letter source.
📄️ deleteLetterType
Delete a letter type.
📄️ deleteLetter
Delete a letter.
📄️ deleteMeterManufacturer
Delete a meter manufacturer.
📄️ deleteMeterModel
Delete a meter model.
📄️ deleteMeterNominalValue
Delete a meter nominal value.
📄️ deleteMeter
Delete a meter.
📄️ deleteNumberingFunction
Delete a numbering function.
📄️ deleteNumberingSeries
Delete a numbering series.
📄️ deleteOrdinanceType
Delete an ordinance type.
📄️ deleteOrdinance
Delete an ordinance.
📄️ deletePersonAddress
Delete the contact's address details.
📄️ deletePerson
Delete a person.
📄️ deletePriceList
Delete a price list.
📄️ deleteProductGroup
Delete a product group.
📄️ deleteProduct
Delete a product.
📄️ deleteProject
Delete a project.
📄️ deleteProperty
Delete a property.
📄️ deleteQuote
Delete an quote.
📄️ deleteReading
Delete a reading.
📄️ deleteRole
Delete a role.
📄️ deleteSpecificationType
Delete a specification type.
📄️ deleteSpecification
Delete a specification.
📄️ deleteStatus
Delete a status.
📄️ deleteSubmissionType
Delete an submission type.
📄️ deleteSubmission
Delete a submission.
📄️ deleteTag
Delete a tag.
📄️ deleteTaskType
Delete a task type.
📄️ deleteTask
Delete a task.
📄️ deleteTaxRate
Delete a tax rate.
📄️ deleteTemplate
Delete a template.
📄️ deleteUser
Delete a user.
📄️ deleteView
Delete a view.
📄️ deleteWebhook
Delete a webhook.
📄️ duplicateContract
Duplicate an existing contract.
📄️ duplicateCoordination
Duplicate an existing coordination.
📄️ duplicateEasement
Duplicate an existing easement.
📄️ duplicateExpense
Duplicate an existing expense.
📄️ duplicateInvoice
Duplicate an existing invoice.
📄️ duplicateLetter
Duplicate an existing letter.
📄️ duplicateMeter
Duplicate an existing meter.
📄️ duplicateOrdinance
Duplicate an existing ordinance.
📄️ duplicateProduct
Duplicate an existing product.
📄️ duplicateProject
Duplicate an existing project.
📄️ duplicateQuote
Duplicate an existing quote.
📄️ duplicateSpecification
Duplicate an existing specification.
📄️ duplicateSubmission
Duplicate an existing submission.
📄️ duplicateTask
Duplicate an existing task.
📄️ finalizeInvoice
Finalize the draft invoice.
📄️ follow
Follow a given instance.
📄️ forgotPassword
No description
📄️ login
No description
📄️ logout
No description
📄️ markDashboardAsDefault
Mark the given dashboard as default.
📄️ markExpenseAsPaid
Mark the expense as paid.
📄️ markInvoiceAsPaid
Mark the invoice as paid.
📄️ markInvoiceAsPartiallyPaid
Mark the invoice as partially paid.
📄️ markInvoiceAsUncollectible
Marking an invoice as uncollectible is useful for keeping track of bad debts that can be written off for accounting purposes.
📄️ markNotificationAsRead
Mark a single notification as read.
📄️ markNotificationAsUnread
Mark a single notification as unread.
📄️ markNotificationsAsRead
Mark all of the notifications as read.
📄️ markNotificationsAsSeen
Mark all of the notifications as seen.
📄️ markViewAsDefault
Mark the given view as default.
📄️ refreshToken
No description
📄️ removeCompanyRelatedPerson
Remove the related person from the given company.
📄️ removeFollower
Remove a follower for a given instance.
📄️ removePersonRelatedCompany
Remove the related company from the given person.
📄️ resetPassword
No description
📄️ restoreComment
Restore a deleted comment.
📄️ restoreCompany
Restore a deleted company.
📄️ restoreContact
Restore a deleted contact.
📄️ restoreContractType
Restore a deleted contract type.
📄️ restoreContract
Restore a deleted contract.
📄️ restoreCoordinationGroup
Restore a deleted coordination group.
📄️ restoreCoordinationStage
Restore a deleted coordination stage.
📄️ restoreCoordinationType
Restore a deleted coordination type.
📄️ restoreCoordination
Restore a deleted coordination.
📄️ restoreDashboard
Restore a deleted dashboard.
📄️ restoreEasementType
Restore a deleted easement type.
📄️ restoreEasement
Restore a deleted easement.
📄️ restoreExpense
Restore a deleted expense.
📄️ restoreInvoice
Restore a deleted invoice.
📄️ restoreLetterSource
Restore a deleted letter source.
📄️ restoreLetterType
Restore a deleted letter type.
📄️ restoreLetter
Restore a deleted letter.
📄️ restoreMeterManufacturer
Restore a deleted meter manufacturer.
📄️ restoreMeterModel
Restore a deleted meter model.
📄️ restoreMeterNominalValue
Restore a deleted meter nominal value.
📄️ restoreMeter
Restore a deleted meter.
📄️ restoreNumberingFunction
Restore a deleted numbering function.
📄️ restoreNumberingSeries
Restore a deleted numbering series.
📄️ restoreOrdinanceType
Restore a deleted ordinance type.
📄️ restoreOrdinance
Restore a deleted ordinance.
📄️ restorePerson
Restore a deleted person.
📄️ restorePriceList
Restore a deleted price list.
📄️ restoreProductGroup
Restore a deleted product group.
📄️ restoreProduct
Restore a deleted product.
📄️ restoreProject
Restore a deleted project.
📄️ restoreProperty
Restore a deleted property.
📄️ restoreQuote
Restore a deleted quote.
📄️ restoreReading
Restore a deleted reading.
📄️ restoreRole
Restore a deleted role.
📄️ restoreSpecificationType
Restore a deleted specification type.
📄️ restoreSpecification
Restore a deleted specification.
📄️ restoreStatus
Restore a deleted status.
📄️ restoreSubmissionType
Restore a deleted submission type.
📄️ restoreSubmission
Restore a deleted submission.
📄️ restoreTag
Restore a deleted tag.
📄️ restoreTaskType
Restore a deleted task type.
📄️ restoreTask
Restore a deleted task.
📄️ restoreTaxRate
Restore a deleted tax rate.
📄️ restoreTemplate
Restore a deleted template.
📄️ restoreUser
Restore a deleted user.
📄️ restoreView
Restore a deleted view.
📄️ restoreWebhook
Restore a deleted webhook.
📄️ revokeAccessToken
Revoke an access token.
📄️ revokeDevice
Revoke access for the given device.
📄️ saveSetting
Save a setting value.
📄️ unfollow
Unfollow a given instance.
📄️ updateAccessToken
Update an access token.
📄️ updateComment
Update an existing comment.
📄️ updateCompanyAddress
Update the company's address details.
📄️ updateCompanyEmails
Assign email addresses with the company. This will remove all existing entries.
📄️ updateCompanyPhones
Assign phone numbers with the company. This will remove all existing entries.
📄️ updateCompanyWebsites
Assign websites with the company. This will remove all existing entries.
📄️ updateCompany
Update an existing company.
📄️ updateContactAddress
Update the contact's address details.
📄️ updateContactEmails
Assign email addresses with the contact. This will remove all existing entries.
📄️ updateContactMeansOfContact
Update a contact's single means of contact.
📄️ updateContactPhones
Assign phone numbers with the contact. This will remove all existing entries.
📄️ updateContactWebsites
Assign websites with the contact. This will remove all existing entries.
📄️ updateContact
Update an existing contact.
📄️ updateContractType
Update an existing contract type.
📄️ updateContract
Update an existing contract.
📄️ updateCoordinationGroup
Update an existing coordination group.
📄️ updateCoordinationStage
Update an existing coordination stage.
📄️ updateCoordinationType
Update an existing coordination type.
📄️ updateCoordination
Update an existing coordination.
📄️ updateDashboard
Update an existing dashboard.
📄️ updateDashlet
Update an existing dashlet.
📄️ updateEasementType
Update an existing easement type.
📄️ updateEasement
Update an existing easement.
📄️ updateExpense
Update an existing expense.
📄️ updateInvoice
Update an existing invoice.
📄️ updateLetterSource
Update an existing letter source.
📄️ updateLetterType
Update an existing letter type.
📄️ updateLetter
Update an existing letter.
📄️ updateMeterManufacturer
Update an existing meter manufacturer.
📄️ updateMeterModel
Update an existing meter model.
📄️ updateMeterNominalValue
Update an existing meter nominal value.
📄️ updateMeter
Update an existing meter.
📄️ updateNumberingFunction
Update an existing numbering function.
📄️ updateNumberingSeriesInstances
Update an existing numbering series' instances.
📄️ updateNumberingSeries
Update an existing numbering series.
📄️ updateOrdinanceType
Update an existing ordinance type.
📄️ updateOrdinance
Update an existing ordinance.
📄️ updatePassword
Update a user's password.
📄️ updatePersonAddress
Update the person's address details.
📄️ updatePersonEmails
Assign email addresses with the person. This will remove all existing entries.
📄️ updatePersonPhones
Assign phone numbers with the person. This will remove all existing entries.
📄️ updatePersonWebsites
Assign websites with the person. This will remove all existing entries.
📄️ updatePerson
Update an existing person.
📄️ updatePriceList
Update an existing price list.
📄️ updateProductGroup
Update an existing product group.
📄️ updateProduct
Update an existing product.
📄️ updateProject
Update an existing project.
📄️ updatePropertyIntendedUses
Update the property's intended uses. This will remove all existing entries and replace with the current input.
📄️ updateProperty
Update an existing property.
📄️ updateQuote
Update an existing quote.
📄️ updateReading
Update an existing reading.
📄️ updateRoleModules
Update a role's modules.
📄️ updateRolePermissions
Update a role's permissions.
📄️ updateRole
Update an existing role.
📄️ updateSpecificationType
Update an existing specification type.
📄️ updateSpecification
Update an existing specification.
📄️ updateStatus
Update an existing status.
📄️ updateStatusesOrdering
Update statuses ordering.
📄️ updateSubmissionType
Update an existing submission type.
📄️ updateSubmission
Update an existing submission.
📄️ updateTag
Update an existing tag.
📄️ updateTagsOrdering
Update tags ordering.
📄️ updateTaskType
Update an existing task type.
📄️ updateTask
Update an existing task.
📄️ updateTaxRate
Update an existing tax rate.
📄️ updateTemplate
Update an existing template.
📄️ updateUserPhones
Assign phone numbers with the user. This will remove all existing entries.
📄️ updateUserRoles
Update the user's roles.
📄️ updateUser
Update an existing user.
📄️ updateView
Update an existing view.
📄️ updateWebhook
Update an existing webhook.
📄️ uploadAccountLogo
Upload the account's logo.
📄️ uploadFile
Upload a file.
📄️ voidExpense
Mark a finalized expense as void. This cannot be undone. Voiding an expense is similar to deletion, however it only applies to finalized expenses and maintains a papertrail where the expense can still be found.
📄️ voidInvoice
Mark a finalized invoice as void. This cannot be undone. Voiding an invoice is similar to deletion, however it only applies to finalized invoices and maintains a papertrail where the invoice can still be found.