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Provides the fields and values to use when copying relations from one entity to another.

input CopyRelationsInput {
source: CopyRelationsSourceInput!
relations: [ModuleRelation!]


CopyRelationsInput.source ● CopyRelationsSourceInput! non-null input

The source entity.

CopyRelationsInput.relations ● [ModuleRelation!] list enum

The relations collection that should be copied.

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CreateCompanyInput input ● CreateContactInput input ● CreateContractInput input ● CreateCoordinationInput input ● CreateEasementInput input ● CreateInvoiceInput input ● CreateLetterInput input ● CreateMeterInput input ● CreateOrdinanceInput input ● CreatePersonInput input ● CreateProjectInput input ● CreatePropertyInput input ● CreateSpecificationInput input ● CreateSubmissionInput input ● CreateTaskInput input