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Provides the fields and values to use when updating a coordination.

input UpdateCoordinationInput {
id: ID!
status: ID
startAt: Date
receivedAt: Date
agreedAt: Date
dueAt: Date
stageId: ID
jobNumber: String
jobName: String
externalCode: String
processingPeriod: Int
filePath: String
filesPath: String
description: String
terms: String
members: CoordinationRelatedMembersInput
properties: RelatedPropertiesInput
contacts: RelatedContactsInput
projects: RelatedProjectsInput
tasks: RelatedTasksInput
letters: RelatedLettersInput
specifications: RelatedSpecificationsInput
tags: RelatedTagsInput

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Specifies the coordination to update.

UpdateCoordinationInput.status ● ID scalar

The coordination's status.

UpdateCoordinationInput.startAt ● Date scalar

Start date of the coordination.

UpdateCoordinationInput.receivedAt ● Date scalar

Received date of the coordination.

UpdateCoordinationInput.agreedAt ● Date scalar

Agreed date of the coordination.

UpdateCoordinationInput.dueAt ● Date scalar

Due date of the coordination.

UpdateCoordinationInput.stageId ● ID scalar

The coordination's stage.

UpdateCoordinationInput.jobNumber ● String scalar

The coordination's job number.

UpdateCoordinationInput.jobName ● String scalar

The coordination's job name.

UpdateCoordinationInput.externalCode ● String scalar

The coordination's external code.

UpdateCoordinationInput.processingPeriod ● Int scalar

The coordination's processing period (in days).

UpdateCoordinationInput.filePath ● String scalar

The coordination's file path.

UpdateCoordinationInput.filesPath ● String scalar

The coordination's files path.

UpdateCoordinationInput.description ● String scalar

The coordination's description.

UpdateCoordinationInput.terms ● String scalar

The coordination's terms.

UpdateCoordinationInput.members ● CoordinationRelatedMembersInput input

The coordination's members relation. ● RelatedPropertiesInput input

The coordination's properties relation.

UpdateCoordinationInput.contacts ● RelatedContactsInput input

The coordination's contacts relation.

UpdateCoordinationInput.projects ● RelatedProjectsInput input

The coordination's projects relation.

UpdateCoordinationInput.tasks ● RelatedTasksInput input

The coordination's tasks relation.

UpdateCoordinationInput.letters ● RelatedLettersInput input

The coordination's letters relation.

UpdateCoordinationInput.specifications ● RelatedSpecificationsInput input

The coordination's specifications relation.

UpdateCoordinationInput.tags ● RelatedTagsInput input

The coordination's tags relation.

Member Of

updateCoordination mutation