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Provides the fields and values to use when creating a status.

input CreateStatusInput {
module: StatusModule!
name: String!
color: String
description: String
type: StatusType
isDefault: Boolean
sortOrder: Int


CreateStatusInput.module ● StatusModule! non-null enum

The module of the status. Example: projects ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the status. Example: In Progress

CreateStatusInput.color ● String scalar

The color of the status. In hex format, without the leading '#'. Example: 0366d6

CreateStatusInput.description ● String scalar

The description of the project. Maximum: 191 characters. Example: The project is currently being worked on

CreateStatusInput.type ● StatusType enum

The type of the status.

CreateStatusInput.isDefault ● Boolean scalar

Whether the given status should be handled as a default for new entries.

CreateStatusInput.sortOrder ● Int scalar

The order/placement of the status.

Member Of

createStatus mutation