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Provides the fields and values to use when updating a company.

input UpdateCompanyInput {
id: ID!
name: String
regNumber: String
vatNumber: String
referenceNumber: String
notes: String
isClient: Boolean
members: RelatedMembersInput
tasks: RelatedTasksInput
letters: RelatedLettersInput
coordinations: RelatedCoordinationsInput
specifications: RelatedSpecificationsInput
contracts: ContactRelatedContractsInput
submissions: RelatedSubmissionsInput
meters: RelatedMetersInput
tags: RelatedTagsInput

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Specifies the company to update. ● String scalar

The company's name.

UpdateCompanyInput.regNumber ● String scalar

The company's registration number.

UpdateCompanyInput.vatNumber ● String scalar

The company's VAT number.

UpdateCompanyInput.referenceNumber ● String scalar

The company's reference number.

UpdateCompanyInput.notes ● String scalar

The company's notes.

UpdateCompanyInput.isClient ● Boolean scalar

Whether this company is a client.

UpdateCompanyInput.members ● RelatedMembersInput input

The person's members relation.

UpdateCompanyInput.tasks ● RelatedTasksInput input

The company's tasks relation.

UpdateCompanyInput.letters ● RelatedLettersInput input

The company's letters relation.

UpdateCompanyInput.coordinations ● RelatedCoordinationsInput input

The company's coordinations relation.

UpdateCompanyInput.specifications ● RelatedSpecificationsInput input

The company's specifications relation.

UpdateCompanyInput.contracts ● ContactRelatedContractsInput input

The company's contracts relation.

UpdateCompanyInput.submissions ● RelatedSubmissionsInput input

The company's submissions relation.

UpdateCompanyInput.meters ● RelatedMetersInput input

The company's meters relation.

UpdateCompanyInput.tags ● RelatedTagsInput input

The company's tags relation.

Member Of

updateCompany mutation