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Dynamic WHERE conditions for the where argument of the query contacts.

input PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditions {
column: PropertyContactsWhereColumns
operator: SQLOperator
value: Mixed
AND: [PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditions!]
OR: [PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditions!]
HAS: PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditionsRelation


PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditions.column ● PropertyContactsWhereColumns enum

The column that is used for the condition.

PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditions.operator ● SQLOperator enum

The operator that is used for the condition.

PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditions.value ● Mixed scalar

The value that is used for the condition.

PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditions.AND ● [PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditions!] list input

A set of conditions that requires all conditions to match.

PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditions.OR ● [PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditions!] list input

A set of conditions that requires at least one condition to match.

PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditions.HAS ● PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditionsRelation input

Check whether a relation exists. Extra conditions or a minimum amount can be applied.

Member Of

PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditions input ● PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditionsRelation input