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Provides the capabilities for dealing with a single relationship between an easement and a property.

input EasementPropertyInput {
id: ID!
area: PropertyAreaInput
pricePerAreaUnit: EasementPropertyPricePerAreaUnitInput
isPayable: Boolean
nextPaymentDate: Date

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

The easement's unique identifier.

EasementPropertyInput.area ● PropertyAreaInput input

The relationship's area.

EasementPropertyInput.pricePerAreaUnit ● EasementPropertyPricePerAreaUnitInput input

The relationship's price per area unit.

EasementPropertyInput.isPayable ● Boolean scalar

Whether the price is payable.

EasementPropertyInput.nextPaymentDate ● Date scalar

The relationship's next payment date.

Member Of

EasementPropertiesInput input