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An edge that contains a node of type Contract, a cursor and some metadata.

type ContactContractsEdge {
node: Contract!
cursor: String!
notes: String
isContractPartner: Boolean
isContactPerson: Boolean
isRepresentative: Boolean
isInvoiceRecipient: Boolean


ContactContractsEdge.node ● Contract! non-null object

The Contract node.

ContactContractsEdge.cursor ● String! non-null scalar

A unique cursor that can be used for pagination.

ContactContractsEdge.notes ● String scalar

The relation's notes.

ContactContractsEdge.isContractPartner ● Boolean scalar

Indicate that the contact is the contract partner.

ContactContractsEdge.isContactPerson ● Boolean scalar

Indicate that the contact is the contact person.

ContactContractsEdge.isRepresentative ● Boolean scalar

Indicate that the contact is the representative.

ContactContractsEdge.isInvoiceRecipient ● Boolean scalar

Indicate that the contact is the invoice recipient.

Member Of

ContactContractsEdgeConnection object