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Represents information about a task.

type Task {
id: ID!
parentId: ID
title: String
description: String
status: RelatedStatusType
startAt: Date
dueAt: Date
priority: TaskPriority
type: TaskType
isSubtask: Boolean
isComplete: Boolean
parent: Task
isMember: Boolean
comments: [Comment!]!
followers: [User!]
creator: User
createdAt: DateTimeTz!
updatedAt: DateTimeTz!
completedAt: DateTimeTz
deletedAt: DateTimeTz
responsible(first: Int! = 10, after: String): TaskMembersEdgeConnection!
where: TaskChildrenWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [TaskChildrenOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): TaskConnection!
where: TaskMembersWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [TaskMembersOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): TaskMembersEdgeConnection!
where: TaskContactsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [TaskContactsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): ContactConnection!
where: TaskEasementsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [TaskEasementsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): EasementConnection!
where: TaskPropertiesWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [TaskPropertiesOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): PropertyConnection!
where: TaskProjectsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [TaskProjectsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): ProjectConnection!
where: TaskLettersWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [TaskLettersOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): LetterConnection!
where: TaskCoordinationsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [TaskCoordinationsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): CoordinationConnection!
where: TaskSpecificationsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [TaskSpecificationsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): SpecificationConnection!
where: TaskOrdinancesWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [TaskOrdinancesOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): OrdinanceConnection!
where: TaskContractsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [TaskContractsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): ContractConnection!
where: TaskSubmissionsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [TaskSubmissionsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): SubmissionConnection!
where: TaskMetersWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [TaskMetersOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): MeterConnection!
where: TaskInvoicesWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [TaskInvoicesOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): InvoiceConnection!
where: TaskFilesWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [TaskFilesOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): FileConnection!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Task's unique identifier.

Task.parentId ● ID scalar

The task's parent task.

Task.title ● String scalar

The task's title.

Task.description ● String scalar

The task's description.

Task.status ● RelatedStatusType object

The task's status.

Task.startAt ● Date scalar

Starting date of the task.

Task.dueAt ● Date scalar

Due date of the task.

Task.priority ● TaskPriority enum

The task's priority.

Task.type ● TaskType object

The task's type.

Task.isSubtask ● Boolean scalar

Determine whether the task is a subtask.

Task.isComplete ● Boolean scalar

Determine whether the task is completed.

Task.parent ● Task object

The parent task.

Task.isMember ● Boolean scalar

Determine whether the current user is this task's member.

Task.comments ● [Comment!]! non-null object

The task's comments.

Task.followers ● [User!] list object

The task's followers.

Task.creator ● User object

The user who created this task.

Task.createdAt ● DateTimeTz! non-null scalar

The date and time when the task was created.

Task.updatedAt ● DateTimeTz! non-null scalar

The date and time when the task was last updated.

Task.completedAt ● DateTimeTz scalar

The date and time when the task was completed.

Task.deletedAt ● DateTimeTz scalar

The date and time when the task was deleted.

Task.responsible ● TaskMembersEdgeConnection! non-null object

The task's responsible member.

Task.responsible.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Task.responsible.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Task.children ● TaskConnection! non-null object

The child tasks.

Task.children.where ● TaskChildrenWhereWhereConditions input
Task.children.orderBy ● [TaskChildrenOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Task.children.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Task.children.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Task.members ● TaskMembersEdgeConnection! non-null object

The task's members.

Task.members.where ● TaskMembersWhereWhereConditions input
Task.members.orderBy ● [TaskMembersOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Task.members.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Task.members.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Task.contacts ● ContactConnection! non-null object

The task's contacts.

Task.contacts.where ● TaskContactsWhereWhereConditions input
Task.contacts.orderBy ● [TaskContactsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Task.contacts.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Task.contacts.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Task.easements ● EasementConnection! non-null object

A list of easements associated with the task.

Task.easements.where ● TaskEasementsWhereWhereConditions input
Task.easements.orderBy ● [TaskEasementsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Task.easements.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Task.easements.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned. ● PropertyConnection! non-null object

A list of properties associated with the task. ● TaskPropertiesWhereWhereConditions input ● [TaskPropertiesOrderByOrderByClause!] list input ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50. ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Task.projects ● ProjectConnection! non-null object

A list of projects associated with the task.

Task.projects.where ● TaskProjectsWhereWhereConditions input
Task.projects.orderBy ● [TaskProjectsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Task.projects.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Task.projects.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Task.letters ● LetterConnection! non-null object

A list of letters associated with the task.

Task.letters.where ● TaskLettersWhereWhereConditions input
Task.letters.orderBy ● [TaskLettersOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Task.letters.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Task.letters.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Task.coordinations ● CoordinationConnection! non-null object

A list of coordinations associated with the task.

Task.coordinations.where ● TaskCoordinationsWhereWhereConditions input
Task.coordinations.orderBy ● [TaskCoordinationsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Task.coordinations.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Task.coordinations.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Task.specifications ● SpecificationConnection! non-null object

A list of specifications associated with the task.

Task.specifications.where ● TaskSpecificationsWhereWhereConditions input
Task.specifications.orderBy ● [TaskSpecificationsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Task.specifications.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Task.specifications.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Task.ordinances ● OrdinanceConnection! non-null object

A list of ordinances associated with the task.

Task.ordinances.where ● TaskOrdinancesWhereWhereConditions input
Task.ordinances.orderBy ● [TaskOrdinancesOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Task.ordinances.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Task.ordinances.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Task.contracts ● ContractConnection! non-null object

A list of contracts associated with the task.

Task.contracts.where ● TaskContractsWhereWhereConditions input
Task.contracts.orderBy ● [TaskContractsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Task.contracts.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Task.contracts.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Task.submissions ● SubmissionConnection! non-null object

A list of submissions associated with the task.

Task.submissions.where ● TaskSubmissionsWhereWhereConditions input
Task.submissions.orderBy ● [TaskSubmissionsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Task.submissions.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Task.submissions.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Task.meters ● MeterConnection! non-null object

A list of meters associated with the task.

Task.meters.where ● TaskMetersWhereWhereConditions input
Task.meters.orderBy ● [TaskMetersOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Task.meters.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Task.meters.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Task.invoices ● InvoiceConnection! non-null object

A list of invoices associated with the task.

Task.invoices.where ● TaskInvoicesWhereWhereConditions input
Task.invoices.orderBy ● [TaskInvoicesOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Task.invoices.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Task.invoices.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Task.files ● FileConnection! non-null object

The task's files.

Task.files.where ● TaskFilesWhereWhereConditions input
Task.files.orderBy ● [TaskFilesOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Task.files.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Task.files.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Returned By

createTask mutation ● deleteTask mutation ● duplicateTask mutation ● restoreTask mutation ● task query ● updateTask mutation

Member Of

Task object ● TaskEdge object