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Represents a module field type.

type ModuleField {
type: ModuleFieldType
name: String
enum: String
label: String
placeholder: String
description: String
defaultValue: String
values: [String]
settings: JSON
columnVisibility: ModuleFieldColumnVisibilityType
sorter: Boolean
isMainField: Boolean
isSystemField: Boolean
isUnique: Boolean
isRequired: Boolean
isFilterable: Boolean
isBulkEditable: Boolean
columnSortOrder: Int
filterSortOrder: Int


ModuleField.type ● ModuleFieldType enum

The field's type. ● String scalar

The field's systematic name.

ModuleField.enum ● String scalar

The field's enum name.

ModuleField.label ● String scalar

The field's label.

ModuleField.placeholder ● String scalar

The field's placeholder.

ModuleField.description ● String scalar

The field's description.

ModuleField.defaultValue ● String scalar

The field's default value for new entries.

ModuleField.values ● [String] list scalar

The field's values.

ModuleField.settings ● JSON scalar

The field's settings.

ModuleField.columnVisibility ● ModuleFieldColumnVisibilityType enum

The field's visibility in the list view as a column.

ModuleField.sorter ● Boolean scalar

Whether this field can be sortable.

ModuleField.isMainField ● Boolean scalar

Whether this field is the main, which should link to the entity view in list views.

ModuleField.isSystemField ● Boolean scalar

Whether this is a hardcoded system field.

ModuleField.isUnique ● Boolean scalar

Whether this field is unique throughout the module's entries.

ModuleField.isRequired ● Boolean scalar

Whether this field is required.

ModuleField.isFilterable ● Boolean scalar

Whether this field is filterable.

ModuleField.isBulkEditable ● Boolean scalar

Whether this field is bulk editable.

ModuleField.columnSortOrder ● Int scalar

The field's order in the columns list.

ModuleField.filterSortOrder ● Int scalar

The field's order in the filters list.

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moduleFields query