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Represents information about a meter.

type Meter {
id: ID!
parentId: ID
serialNumber: String
manhole: String
sewagePumpingStation: String
type: MeterType
technology: MeterTechnology
waterType: MeterWaterType
pipeDiameter: MeterPipeDiameter
connectionFitting: MeterConnectionFitting
consoleLength: MeterConsoleLength
consumptionEstimate: Int
maxReading: Int
latestReading: Decimal
latestConsumption: Decimal
average3: Decimal
average6: Decimal
average12: Decimal
sealNumber: String
isRemoved: Boolean
isRemotelyReadable: Boolean
isReverseFlow: Boolean
installedAt: Date
verifiedAt: Date
nextVerificationAt: Date
isSubmeter: Boolean
parent: Meter
property: Property
manufacturer: MeterManufacturer
model: MeterModel
nominalValue: MeterNominalValue
status: RelatedStatusType
latestAcceptedReading: Reading
comments: [Comment!]!
creator: User
createdAt: DateTimeTz!
updatedAt: DateTimeTz!
deletedAt: DateTimeTz
where: MeterChildrenWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [MeterChildrenOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): MeterConnection!
where: MeterReadingsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [MeterReadingsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): ReadingConnection!
where: MeterContactsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [MeterContactsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): ContactConnection!
where: MeterTasksWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [MeterTasksOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): TaskConnection!
where: MeterLettersWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [MeterLettersOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): LetterConnection!
where: MeterSpecificationsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [MeterSpecificationsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): SpecificationConnection!
where: MeterContractsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [MeterContractsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): ContractConnection!
where: MeterSubmissionsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [MeterSubmissionsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): SubmissionConnection!
where: MeterTagsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [MeterTagsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): TagConnection!
where: MeterFilesWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [MeterFilesOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): FileConnection!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Meter's unique identifier.

Meter.parentId ● ID scalar

The meter's parent meter.

Meter.serialNumber ● String scalar

The meter's serial number.

Meter.manhole ● String scalar

The meter's manhole.

Meter.sewagePumpingStation ● String scalar

The meter's sewage pumping station.

Meter.type ● MeterType enum

The meter's type. ● MeterTechnology enum

The meter's technology.

Meter.waterType ● MeterWaterType enum

The meter's water type.

Meter.pipeDiameter ● MeterPipeDiameter enum

The meter's pipe diameter.

Meter.connectionFitting ● MeterConnectionFitting enum

The meter's connection fitting.

Meter.consoleLength ● MeterConsoleLength enum

The meter's console length.

Meter.consumptionEstimate ● Int scalar

The meter's consumption estimate.

Meter.maxReading ● Int scalar

The meter's max reading.

Meter.latestReading ● Decimal scalar

The meter's latest reading.

Meter.latestConsumption ● Decimal scalar

The meter's latest consumption.

Meter.average3 ● Decimal scalar

The meter's 3-month average reading.

Meter.average6 ● Decimal scalar

The meter's 6-month average reading.

Meter.average12 ● Decimal scalar

The meter's 12-month average reading.

Meter.sealNumber ● String scalar

The meter's seal number.

Meter.isRemoved ● Boolean scalar

Whether the meter is removed.

Meter.isRemotelyReadable ● Boolean scalar

Whether the meter is remotely readable.

Meter.isReverseFlow ● Boolean scalar

Whether the meter supports reverse flow.

Meter.installedAt ● Date scalar

The date when the meter was installed.

Meter.verifiedAt ● Date scalar

The date when the meter was verified.

Meter.nextVerificationAt ● Date scalar

The date when the meter should be verified next.

Meter.isSubmeter ● Boolean scalar

Determine whether the meter is a submeter.

Meter.parent ● Meter object

The parent meter. ● Property object

The meter's property.

Meter.manufacturer ● MeterManufacturer object

The meter's manufacturer.

Meter.model ● MeterModel object

The meter's model.

Meter.nominalValue ● MeterNominalValue object

The meter's nominal value.

Meter.status ● RelatedStatusType object

The meter's status.

Meter.latestAcceptedReading ● Reading object

The latest accepted reading.

Meter.comments ● [Comment!]! non-null object

The meter's comments.

Meter.creator ● User object

The user who created this meter.

Meter.createdAt ● DateTimeTz! non-null scalar

The date and time when the meter was created.

Meter.updatedAt ● DateTimeTz! non-null scalar

The date and time when the meter was last updated.

Meter.deletedAt ● DateTimeTz scalar

The date and time when the meter was deleted.

Meter.children ● MeterConnection! non-null object

The submeters.

Meter.children.where ● MeterChildrenWhereWhereConditions input
Meter.children.orderBy ● [MeterChildrenOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Meter.children.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Meter.children.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Meter.readings ● ReadingConnection! non-null object

The meter's related readings.

Meter.readings.where ● MeterReadingsWhereWhereConditions input
Meter.readings.orderBy ● [MeterReadingsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Meter.readings.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Meter.readings.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Meter.contacts ● ContactConnection! non-null object

The meter's related contacts.

Meter.contacts.where ● MeterContactsWhereWhereConditions input
Meter.contacts.orderBy ● [MeterContactsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Meter.contacts.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Meter.contacts.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Meter.tasks ● TaskConnection! non-null object

The meter's tasks.

Meter.tasks.where ● MeterTasksWhereWhereConditions input
Meter.tasks.orderBy ● [MeterTasksOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Meter.tasks.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Meter.tasks.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Meter.letters ● LetterConnection! non-null object

A list of letters associated with the meter.

Meter.letters.where ● MeterLettersWhereWhereConditions input
Meter.letters.orderBy ● [MeterLettersOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Meter.letters.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Meter.letters.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Meter.specifications ● SpecificationConnection! non-null object

A list of specifications associated with the meter.

Meter.specifications.where ● MeterSpecificationsWhereWhereConditions input
Meter.specifications.orderBy ● [MeterSpecificationsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Meter.specifications.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Meter.specifications.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Meter.contracts ● ContractConnection! non-null object

A list of contracts associated with the meter.

Meter.contracts.where ● MeterContractsWhereWhereConditions input
Meter.contracts.orderBy ● [MeterContractsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Meter.contracts.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Meter.contracts.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Meter.submissions ● SubmissionConnection! non-null object

A list of submissions associated with the meter.

Meter.submissions.where ● MeterSubmissionsWhereWhereConditions input
Meter.submissions.orderBy ● [MeterSubmissionsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Meter.submissions.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Meter.submissions.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Meter.tags ● TagConnection! non-null object

The meter's tags.

Meter.tags.where ● MeterTagsWhereWhereConditions input
Meter.tags.orderBy ● [MeterTagsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Meter.tags.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Meter.tags.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Meter.files ● FileConnection! non-null object

The meter's files.

Meter.files.where ● MeterFilesWhereWhereConditions input
Meter.files.orderBy ● [MeterFilesOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Meter.files.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Meter.files.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Returned By

createMeter mutation ● deleteMeter mutation ● duplicateMeter mutation ● meter query ● restoreMeter mutation ● updateMeter mutation

Member Of

Meter object ● MeterEdge object ● Reading object