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An edge that contains a node of type View, a cursor and some metadata.

type Dashlet {
node: View!
cursor: String!
id: ID!
type: DashletType!
key: String!
title: String
properties: JSON
createdAt: DateTimeTz!
updatedAt: DateTimeTz!
deletedAt: DateTimeTz


Dashlet.node ● View! non-null object

The View node.

Dashlet.cursor ● String! non-null scalar

A unique cursor that can be used for pagination. ● ID! non-null scalar

The dashlet's unique identifier.

Dashlet.type ● DashletType! non-null enum

The dashlet's type.

Dashlet.key ● String! non-null scalar

The dashlet's key.

Dashlet.title ● String scalar

The dashlet's title. ● JSON scalar

The dashlet's properties.

Dashlet.createdAt ● DateTimeTz! non-null scalar

The date and time when the dashlet was created.

Dashlet.updatedAt ● DateTimeTz! non-null scalar

The date and time when the dashlet was last updated.

Dashlet.deletedAt ● DateTimeTz scalar

The date and time when the dashlet was deleted.

Returned By

createDashlet mutation ● deleteDashlet mutation ● updateDashlet mutation

Member Of

DashletConnection object