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Represents information about a project.

type Project {
id: ID!
parentId: ID
name: String
number: String
status: RelatedStatusType
startAt: Date
dueAt: Date
isPublic: Boolean
isSubproject: Boolean
filesPath: String
description: String
notes: String @deprecated
parent: Project
client: Contact
isMember: Boolean
comments: [Comment!]!
followers: [User!]
creator: User
createdAt: DateTimeTz!
updatedAt: DateTimeTz!
deletedAt: DateTimeTz
responsible(first: Int! = 10, after: String): ProjectMembersEdgeConnection!
where: ProjectChildrenWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [ProjectChildrenOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): ProjectConnection!
where: ProjectMembersWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [ProjectMembersOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): ProjectMembersEdgeConnection!
where: ProjectContactsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [ProjectContactsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): ProjectContactsEdgeConnection!
where: ProjectEasementsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [ProjectEasementsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): EasementConnection!
where: ProjectPropertiesWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [ProjectPropertiesOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): PropertyConnection!
where: ProjectTasksWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [ProjectTasksOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): TaskConnection!
where: ProjectLettersWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [ProjectLettersOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): LetterConnection!
where: ProjectCoordinationsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [ProjectCoordinationsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): CoordinationConnection!
where: ProjectSpecificationsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [ProjectSpecificationsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): SpecificationConnection!
where: ProjectOrdinancesWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [ProjectOrdinancesOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): OrdinanceConnection!
where: ProjectContractsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [ProjectContractsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): ContractConnection!
where: ProjectSubmissionsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [ProjectSubmissionsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): SubmissionConnection!
where: ProjectInvoicesWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [ProjectInvoicesOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): InvoiceConnection!
where: ProjectTagsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [ProjectTagsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): TagConnection!
where: ProjectFilesWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [ProjectFilesOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): FileConnection!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Project's unique identifier.

Project.parentId ● ID scalar

The project's parent project. ● String scalar

The project's name.

Project.number ● String scalar

The project's number.

Project.status ● RelatedStatusType object

The project's status.

Project.startAt ● Date scalar

Starting date of the project.

Project.dueAt ● Date scalar

Due date of the project.

Project.isPublic ● Boolean scalar

True if the project is public to the organization. If false, do not share this project with other users in this organization without explicitly checking to see if they have access.

Project.isSubproject ● Boolean scalar

Determine whether the project is a subproject.

Project.filesPath ● String scalar

The project's files path.

Project.description ● String scalar

The project's description.

Project.notes ● String deprecated scalar


Use description instead

The project's notes.

Project.parent ● Project object

The parent project.

Project.client ● Contact object

The project's client.

Project.isMember ● Boolean scalar

Determine whether the current user is this project's member.

Project.comments ● [Comment!]! non-null object

The project's comments.

Project.followers ● [User!] list object

The project's followers.

Project.creator ● User object

The user who created this project.

Project.createdAt ● DateTimeTz! non-null scalar

The date and time when the project was created.

Project.updatedAt ● DateTimeTz! non-null scalar

The date and time when the project was last updated.

Project.deletedAt ● DateTimeTz scalar

The date and time when the project was deleted.

Project.responsible ● ProjectMembersEdgeConnection! non-null object

The project's responsible member.

Project.responsible.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Project.responsible.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Project.children ● ProjectConnection! non-null object

The child projects.

Project.children.where ● ProjectChildrenWhereWhereConditions input
Project.children.orderBy ● [ProjectChildrenOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Project.children.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Project.children.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Project.members ● ProjectMembersEdgeConnection! non-null object

The project's members.

Project.members.where ● ProjectMembersWhereWhereConditions input
Project.members.orderBy ● [ProjectMembersOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Project.members.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Project.members.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Project.contacts ● ProjectContactsEdgeConnection! non-null object

The project's contacts.

Project.contacts.where ● ProjectContactsWhereWhereConditions input
Project.contacts.orderBy ● [ProjectContactsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Project.contacts.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Project.contacts.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Project.easements ● EasementConnection! non-null object

A list of easements associated with the project.

Project.easements.where ● ProjectEasementsWhereWhereConditions input
Project.easements.orderBy ● [ProjectEasementsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Project.easements.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Project.easements.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned. ● PropertyConnection! non-null object

A list of properties associated with the project. ● ProjectPropertiesWhereWhereConditions input ● [ProjectPropertiesOrderByOrderByClause!] list input ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50. ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Project.tasks ● TaskConnection! non-null object

The project's tasks.

Project.tasks.where ● ProjectTasksWhereWhereConditions input
Project.tasks.orderBy ● [ProjectTasksOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Project.tasks.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Project.tasks.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Project.letters ● LetterConnection! non-null object

A list of letters associated with the project.

Project.letters.where ● ProjectLettersWhereWhereConditions input
Project.letters.orderBy ● [ProjectLettersOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Project.letters.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Project.letters.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Project.coordinations ● CoordinationConnection! non-null object

A list of coordinations associated with the project.

Project.coordinations.where ● ProjectCoordinationsWhereWhereConditions input
Project.coordinations.orderBy ● [ProjectCoordinationsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Project.coordinations.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Project.coordinations.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Project.specifications ● SpecificationConnection! non-null object

A list of specifications associated with the project.

Project.specifications.where ● ProjectSpecificationsWhereWhereConditions input
Project.specifications.orderBy ● [ProjectSpecificationsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Project.specifications.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Project.specifications.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Project.ordinances ● OrdinanceConnection! non-null object

A list of ordinances associated with the project.

Project.ordinances.where ● ProjectOrdinancesWhereWhereConditions input
Project.ordinances.orderBy ● [ProjectOrdinancesOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Project.ordinances.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Project.ordinances.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Project.contracts ● ContractConnection! non-null object

A list of contracts associated with the project.

Project.contracts.where ● ProjectContractsWhereWhereConditions input
Project.contracts.orderBy ● [ProjectContractsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Project.contracts.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Project.contracts.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Project.submissions ● SubmissionConnection! non-null object

A list of submissions associated with the project.

Project.submissions.where ● ProjectSubmissionsWhereWhereConditions input
Project.submissions.orderBy ● [ProjectSubmissionsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Project.submissions.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Project.submissions.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Project.invoices ● InvoiceConnection! non-null object

A list of invoices associated with the project.

Project.invoices.where ● ProjectInvoicesWhereWhereConditions input
Project.invoices.orderBy ● [ProjectInvoicesOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Project.invoices.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Project.invoices.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Project.tags ● TagConnection! non-null object

The project's tags.

Project.tags.where ● ProjectTagsWhereWhereConditions input
Project.tags.orderBy ● [ProjectTagsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Project.tags.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Project.tags.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Project.files ● FileConnection! non-null object

The project's files.

Project.files.where ● ProjectFilesWhereWhereConditions input
Project.files.orderBy ● [ProjectFilesOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Project.files.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Project.files.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Returned By

createProject mutation ● deleteProject mutation ● duplicateProject mutation ● project query ● restoreProject mutation ● updateProject mutation

Member Of

ContactProjectsEdge object ● Project object ● ProjectEdge object