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Represents information about a product.

type Product {
id: ID!
code: String
name: String
description: String
status: ProductStatus
unit: ProductUnit
group: ProductGroup
taxRate: TaxRate
prices: [ProductPrice]
createdAt: DateTimeTz!
updatedAt: DateTimeTz!
deletedAt: DateTimeTz

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Product's unique identifier.

Product.code ● String scalar

The product's code. ● String scalar

The name of the product.

Product.description ● String scalar

The description of the product.

Product.status ● ProductStatus enum

The status of the product.

Product.unit ● ProductUnit enum

The unit of the product. ● ProductGroup object

The product's group.

Product.taxRate ● TaxRate object

The product's tax rate.

Product.prices ● [ProductPrice] list object

The product's prices.

Product.createdAt ● DateTimeTz! non-null scalar

The date and time when the product was created.

Product.updatedAt ● DateTimeTz! non-null scalar

The date and time when the product was last updated.

Product.deletedAt ● DateTimeTz scalar

The date and time when the product was deleted.

Returned By

createProduct mutation ● deleteProduct mutation ● duplicateProduct mutation ● product query ● restoreProduct mutation ● updateProduct mutation

Member Of

InvoiceLine object ● ProductEdge object