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Represents information about a property.

type Property {
id: ID!
immovableNumber: String
displayAddress: String
cadastralUnit: PropertyCadastralUnit
cadastralUnitNumber: String
cadastralUnitFirstRegistration: Date
cadastralUnitLastUpdated: Date
address: PropertyAddress
area: PropertyArea
notes: String
isMember: Boolean
intendedUses: [PropertyIntendedUse!]
comments: [Comment!]!
followers: [User!]
creator: User
createdAt: DateTimeTz!
updatedAt: DateTimeTz!
deletedAt: DateTimeTz
where: PropertyMembersWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertyMembersOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): UserConnection!
where: PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertyContactsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): PropertyContactsEdgeConnection!
where: PropertyMetersWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertyMetersOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): MeterConnection!
where: PropertyReadingsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertyReadingsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): ReadingConnection!
where: PropertyProjectsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertyProjectsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): ProjectConnection!
where: PropertyEasementsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertyEasementsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): EasementConnection!
where: PropertyOwnersWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertyOwnersOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): PropertyContactsEdgeConnection!
where: PropertyRepresentativesWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertyRepresentativesOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): PropertyRepresentativesEdgeConnection!
where: PropertyTasksWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertyTasksOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): TaskConnection!
where: PropertyLettersWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertyLettersOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): LetterConnection!
where: PropertyCoordinationsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertyCoordinationsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): CoordinationConnection!
where: PropertySpecificationsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertySpecificationsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): SpecificationConnection!
where: PropertyContractsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertyContractsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): ContractConnection!
where: PropertySubmissionsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertySubmissionsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): SubmissionConnection!
where: PropertyInvoicesWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertyInvoicesOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): InvoiceConnection!
where: PropertyTagsWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertyTagsOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): TagConnection!
where: PropertyFilesWhereWhereConditions
orderBy: [PropertyFilesOrderByOrderByClause!]
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): FileConnection!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Property's unique identifier.

Property.immovableNumber ● String scalar

The property's immovable number.

Property.displayAddress ● String scalar

The property's address.

Property.cadastralUnit ● PropertyCadastralUnit object

The property's cadastral information.

Property.cadastralUnitNumber ● String scalar

The property's cadastral number.

Property.cadastralUnitFirstRegistration ● Date scalar

The property's cadastral unit first registration date.

Property.cadastralUnitLastUpdated ● Date scalar

The property's cadastral unit last updated date.

Property.address ● PropertyAddress object

The property's address.

Property.area ● PropertyArea object

The property's area.

Property.notes ● String scalar

The property's notes.

Property.isMember ● Boolean scalar

Determine whether the current user is this property's member.

Property.intendedUses ● [PropertyIntendedUse!] list object

The property's intended uses.

Property.comments ● [Comment!]! non-null object

The property's comments.

Property.followers ● [User!] list object

The property's followers.

Property.creator ● User object

The user who created this property.

Property.createdAt ● DateTimeTz! non-null scalar

The date and time when the property was created.

Property.updatedAt ● DateTimeTz! non-null scalar

The date and time when the property was last updated.

Property.deletedAt ● DateTimeTz scalar

The date and time when the property was deleted.

Property.members ● UserConnection! non-null object

The property's members.

Property.members.where ● PropertyMembersWhereWhereConditions input
Property.members.orderBy ● [PropertyMembersOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.members.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.members.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.contacts ● PropertyContactsEdgeConnection! non-null object

The property's related contacts.

Property.contacts.where ● PropertyContactsWhereWhereConditions input
Property.contacts.orderBy ● [PropertyContactsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.contacts.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.contacts.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.meters ● MeterConnection! non-null object

A list of meters associated with the property.

Property.meters.where ● PropertyMetersWhereWhereConditions input
Property.meters.orderBy ● [PropertyMetersOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.meters.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.meters.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.readings ● ReadingConnection! non-null object

The property's related readings.

Property.readings.where ● PropertyReadingsWhereWhereConditions input
Property.readings.orderBy ● [PropertyReadingsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.readings.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.readings.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.projects ● ProjectConnection! non-null object

A list of projects associated with the property.

Property.projects.where ● PropertyProjectsWhereWhereConditions input
Property.projects.orderBy ● [PropertyProjectsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.projects.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.projects.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.easements ● EasementConnection! non-null object

A list of easements associated with the property.

Property.easements.where ● PropertyEasementsWhereWhereConditions input
Property.easements.orderBy ● [PropertyEasementsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.easements.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.easements.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.owners ● PropertyContactsEdgeConnection! non-null object

The property's owners.

Property.owners.where ● PropertyOwnersWhereWhereConditions input
Property.owners.orderBy ● [PropertyOwnersOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.owners.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.owners.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.representatives ● PropertyRepresentativesEdgeConnection! non-null object

The property's representatives.

Property.representatives.where ● PropertyRepresentativesWhereWhereConditions input
Property.representatives.orderBy ● [PropertyRepresentativesOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.representatives.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.representatives.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.tasks ● TaskConnection! non-null object

The property's tasks.

Property.tasks.where ● PropertyTasksWhereWhereConditions input
Property.tasks.orderBy ● [PropertyTasksOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.tasks.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.tasks.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.letters ● LetterConnection! non-null object

A list of letters associated with the property.

Property.letters.where ● PropertyLettersWhereWhereConditions input
Property.letters.orderBy ● [PropertyLettersOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.letters.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.letters.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.coordinations ● CoordinationConnection! non-null object

A list of coordinations associated with the property.

Property.coordinations.where ● PropertyCoordinationsWhereWhereConditions input
Property.coordinations.orderBy ● [PropertyCoordinationsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.coordinations.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.coordinations.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.specifications ● SpecificationConnection! non-null object

A list of specifications associated with the property.

Property.specifications.where ● PropertySpecificationsWhereWhereConditions input
Property.specifications.orderBy ● [PropertySpecificationsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.specifications.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.specifications.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.contracts ● ContractConnection! non-null object

A list of contracts associated with the property.

Property.contracts.where ● PropertyContractsWhereWhereConditions input
Property.contracts.orderBy ● [PropertyContractsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.contracts.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.contracts.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.submissions ● SubmissionConnection! non-null object

A list of submissions associated with the property.

Property.submissions.where ● PropertySubmissionsWhereWhereConditions input
Property.submissions.orderBy ● [PropertySubmissionsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.submissions.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.submissions.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.invoices ● InvoiceConnection! non-null object

A list of invoices associated with the property.

Property.invoices.where ● PropertyInvoicesWhereWhereConditions input
Property.invoices.orderBy ● [PropertyInvoicesOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.invoices.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.invoices.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.tags ● TagConnection! non-null object

The property's tags.

Property.tags.where ● PropertyTagsWhereWhereConditions input
Property.tags.orderBy ● [PropertyTagsOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.tags.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.tags.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Property.files ● FileConnection! non-null object

The property's files.

Property.files.where ● PropertyFilesWhereWhereConditions input
Property.files.orderBy ● [PropertyFilesOrderByOrderByClause!] list input
Property.files.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 50.

Property.files.after ● String scalar

A cursor after which elements are returned.

Returned By

createProperty mutation ● deleteProperty mutation ● property query ● restoreProperty mutation ● updateProperty mutation ● updatePropertyIntendedUses mutation

Member Of

CompanyPropertiesEdge object ● ContactPropertiesEdge object ● EasementPropertiesEdge object ● Meter object ● PersonPropertiesEdge object ● PropertyEdge object